Nestled within the elegance of Meridian House in Washington DC, a love story unfolds, meticulously documented by wedding videography to immortalize every cherished moment. As the couple exchanges vows, a cascade of flower petals fills the air, a whimsical prelude to their journey ahead. The lively beat of dragon dances infuses the atmosphere with joy and tradition, celebrating the union with vibrant energy. Later, guests join in the spirited German knife dance, symbolizing unity and shared happiness. As the festivities draw to a close, the newlyweds bid farewell under a canopy of bubbles, their laughter mingling with the sweet promises of a lifetime together.
“You guys could not have done any better of a job making us feel comfortable, like being in front of a camera for the first time. You’ve been our dream videographer. Even though we have beautiful pictures from the day, it’s nothing to really capture the actual movement and the words and how things were said, I remember how I felt. The storytelling aspect is what really drew me to your work and ultimately is what led us to decide to have you as our videographer and clearly from the video you created, it put us right back in the day. I feel like everyone should opt in for video. And even though it is an expense, it was totally worth it, and it’s something that we can look at forever.”